Pugs are meant to be kept as a house pet only. Extensive time in outside areas, garage, or tied up outside is not good for them! It is recommended that this pugs have nails trimmed regularly (once to twice per month) and be bathed only as needed. We often suggest wiping down your puppy/dog with a baby wipe versus a full bath, to allow the natural oils on the puppy/dog’s skin to properly protect from rashes. The pug’s face rolls should be cleaned no less than 2 times monthly by wiping them.

Pugs are heavy shedders! Pugs may not do well in cold temperatures, but this isn’t because of a lack of fur! When it comes to shedding, a pug can give a dog twice their size a run for their money. The heavy shedding on a pug is caused by a shorter life cycle on their thick double coat. Due to this, the hairs often come off more quickly and is worst after winter. Frequent grooming can help keep the hair balls around your house to a minimum, but pugs owners have to learn to live with a lot of fur on their clothes.

Pugs aren’t as lazy as their round little bodies and short legs would lead you to believe. A pug will typically sleep around 14 hours a day, which is longer than most active breeds, but this is usually because they have nothing else to do. Pugs love to be close to their owners, especially on the couch! However, if you are going for a walk they will be just as happy to stay by your side. When a pug isn’t sleeping they have a strong natural curiosity that will cause them to prowl around the house looking for new and exciting things.

It is normally recommended to take your pug to a veterinarian at least once a year for an annual health examination and routine vaccinations.